Friday, June 24, 2011


Have you ever tried to stay outside of your own being and observe yourself with detachment? I often do this since I learned about the concept of Actor-Observer Bias phenomenon in my social psychology class in college. I am also looking at the expectations I have of myself and trying to uncover where those expectations come from and when and how I internalized them and whether they really belong to me. This is not an easy task and I do admit that I need a lot of help in that regard or do I?
I love this poem by bentlily:
The present
paper thin
be careful
it is dissolving
as you read this
new moments
erupt under your feet
fill each one
with awareness
your heart beats
can you believe it
your body coaxes
you onward
utter faith
that you will
spend the offering
of life

Her Royal Highness

His Royal Highness

Hi Royal highness having breakfast on top of the kitchen counter...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Notes to Self

It's time to be your own drill sergeant. Give yourself some discipline! But don't be cruel to yourself -- simply apply some tough love. Is there a difficult task you've been avoiding, an awkward conversation you've been putting off or a tedious obligation you've been pretending doesn't exist? Well, you have to deal with it -- now. Take a deep breath and dive right in. There's no sense in delaying the inevitable. Get this over with.