Monday, July 23, 2012

I Am So Sad -

The feeling does not come just from frustration, which can make you feel persistently gloomy, or dejected. Nor does it come from a sense of futility, which can trigger a mood of brooding despondency or depression.

Sadness essentially deals with a sense of irreparable loss over “what might have been.” The loss casts a pall over every vista. Like the pain of loss of a limb, the feeling irretrievably touches primary aspects of your life. Those words also express a cry for help.

•Sadness is not dejection, or depression. It is an emotion triggered by a loss, or a disappointment. •Sadness affects your health and wellbeing.
•Sadness is triggered by images of “what might have been.”
•Sadness should reduce with time. If the grief persists, “speed dial circuits” may have been generated, which sustain the grief, just as tampering with a wound prevents it from healing.

•For relief, you should be convinced that you must move on.

•Recognize the thought patterns, which sustain your grief.
•Let your common sense take charge. It has the power to heal the pain.
•It can still the pangs of guilt within you.
•You need to realign your vision to a changed life.
•Self awareness will still the sadness emotion.
•Remember that your facial expressions also contribute to your moods.
•If your sadness still persists, you may require professional counseling. I Am So Sad - Sadness Affects Your Health And Wellbeing The sad person suffers.

You feel empty or numb. You may cry a lot. It may affect your sleep. You may eat too little, or too much. The sadness takes away your energy and makes you feel more tired. Some people even get stomach aches and headaches.

 The emotion makes it difficult for you to focus on your work. So, your output suffers. You may spend less time with friends and even find it difficult to concentrate on reading, or on watching TV. Sadness affects your work, your health and even prevents you from enjoying even the smallest pleasures in life.

I Am So Sad - Sadness Can Have Many Causes The emotion can be triggered for any number of reasons. It could be the loss of a loved one, or a divorce. A disappointment, which changes your expectations from life can be the cause. You may have regrets about things you did, or did not do.

You may have moved away from a town, away from friends and relatives, who gave you comfort.

Needless tensions created by family or teenagers could cause you to painfully miss a happier life. Pain or suffering for a loved one could cause the sadness. In every case, the recalled images of "what life might have been" cause distress. I Am So Sad - If Time Does Not Heal The Wound It is quite normal for you to feel intense grief over a loss, or disappointment. But time is a great healer.

However deep your grief, the sorrow will reduce over a period of days, or months. This is a normal neural event. It is a part of the design of nature. Nerve impulses tend to fade over time. The emotional signals, which caused you distress will fade over time, unless your own thoughts prevent the healing process. Normally, a wound also heals gradually.

But, if you keep irritating it, it will remain raw and painful. Repeated living over your pain and loss will intensify the neural patterns. New "speed dial circuits” will be created within the nervous system, which continue to trigger the same level of distress.

The pain will refuse to go away. I Am So Sad - A Return To Peace Of Mind Requires Your Conviction One day, you must move on. Sadness heals. It is an emotion, which helps you to deal with sudden loss. Crying softens painful memories. Reliving the experiences help you to adjust to a new painful reality. Upto a point. If the sadness persists and causes you continuing distress, you must act to deal with it. You have to become convinced that it is time to leave the painful past behind and bring back your peace of mind.

After all, it affects your work and your health. It prevents you from getting on with the rest of your life. The mental exercises suggested below will only succeed if you are convinced that they are necessary. Are you prepared to move on? No, It's time to end it all.