Friday, November 12, 2010

Fill in the Blank

My muse goes into hibernation
I do not know why

And when it stirs
and struggles in the cocoon

and finally breaks free
into the light of the day

had had waited
what felt like an eternity

just meant all the more,
no other kiss,ever matched

or surpassed your golden ore
the warmth, the tendeness flowed
Cleverest of all tricks behold

my soul rejoiced, my life anew

only to find out
that death was upon me

only a short distance away
lingering, lurching toward me in the brightest of the day

Songs of consuming
No colourful wings.

Only ashes.

the pain of death

lost in silence and forever repressed

'till floodgates opened through your words
asking me to fill in the -----

a glimmer of hope, of salvation

Alas turned into
jewel crusted sword

euphoria slowly fades away

Jordan, Paris parfait

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